Memphis, TN 04/14/2020

The community mourns the passing of one of our great community leaders on today. Facebook was filled with numerous posts of condolences and shock about the passing of the beloved “Larry Clark aka Pretti St. James Golden.”

Larry Clark 

I can personally speak about the great work being done by “Pretti” with the founding of the LGBT Legends Awards during Memphis Black Pride Weekend.  As a recipient of the 2019 Woman of the Year Award I had numerous conversations with Pretti leading up to the event. During these phone calls and texts I encountered a very professional individual who took extreme measures to let you know that their intentions were sincere and genuine.  As I read the outpouring of condolences my heart sanked because I knew an impacful person in the LGBTQ community was gone from us all too soon!

In my opinion we often do realize the impact of a person until it is too late and Pretti was definitely making an impact of importance in the Memphis LGBTQ community.

Gwen Clemons 2019 Award 

Sadly, Larry Clark suddenly passed in Memphis, TN on April 14, 2020. This comes as a  shock to all who knew and loved him immensely.  Pretti will be remembered by the vast popularity of the pagentry world and the commitment to LGBTQ social advocacy. It is with great sadness that we write this article, not to say goodbye to a great person but to commit to keeping your work and legacy alive.