“That magazine reads different when you see a young, intelligent, handsome, black man running for public office on the cover,” said TUV Magazine co-founder Gwendolyn Clemons. Yes, the co-founder of TUV Magazine is speaking about her son, Davin.
The Awakening Issue is here! TUV Magazine presents “The Soul of the People.” Each issue is intentionally published to present an inclusive society void of discrimination, prejudices, stigmas, and bias. The goal of the Awakening Issue is to show the world itself; “This is Us” whether it is accepted or not!
On the Cover: Dr. Davin D. Clemons is interviewed about his political run for Memphis City Council District 6. Clemons is new to politics but not new to public service. As a community advocate he wear the hats of a philanthropist, entrepreneur, and public servant. Clemons is a 17 year veteran with the Memphis Police Department and serves as the LGBTQ Liasion for the department. Below is an excerpt of the interview.
Shelby County Mayor Lee Harris (L) Presidential Candidate Pete Buttigieg (Middle) Davin Clemons (R)
It’s time for a change and Dr. Clemons is it! Clemons has received the official endorsement of a total of nine (9) labor unions in The City of Memphis. Please consider supporting Davin Clemons with your financial donations. To support Clemons visit his website to see his campaign policy and submit your donations no matter the amount all is appreciated. https://www.davinclemons.com/
Dr. Davin Clemons “Running With The People”
Q: How has your community involvement thus far helped to prepare you for this position?
A: The theme of my campaign is “Running With the People,” but we’ve been running with the people for as long as seven years ago. From the inception of the church, we birthed TUV Radio Show, TUV Magazine, and our nonprofit Relationship Unleashed. We birthed the Cathedral Foundation that hosts Tri-State Pride. We have been unapologetically involved in the community, from adopting elementary schools, purchasing kids’ winter coats and helping with clothing drives. We went out and registered people to vote citywide. We helped restore felons with their voting rights. We were instrumental in the ordinance of the city pushing equal protection for all city employees. We spoke up against the senseless killing of our transgender sisters and brothers. I even marched in the protest to remove the statue of Nathan Bedford Forrest. In fact, I almost went to jail protesting the removal of that statue.
Inside the Issue:
Meet the Bonners: Sanora Williams and Marsha Bonner marries in an upscaled wedding in New York. https://youtu.be/CMGe5po3z7I The nuptials share their intimate journey on becoming “The Bonners Interview.”
Sanora Bonner has a start-up business called She Brand Hair, and Marsha Bonner is a Human Resources Executive and Diversity & Inclusion Empowerment Speaker: www.mrbinspires.com / www.marshahugs.net.
(Left) Sanora & Marsha (Right)
The 2020 QChristian Conference announced DeRay McKesson will be one their Keynote Speakers. DeRay Mckesson is an American civil rights activist, podcaster, and former school administrator. A supporter of the Black Lives Matter movement, he has been active in the protests in Ferguson, Missouri, and Baltimore, Maryland and on social media outlets such as Twitter and Instagram. https://www.qchristian.org/conference-2020
DeRay McKesson
TUV Magazine Washington, DC correspondent Rayceen Pendarvis named the 2019 Community Advocacy Award winners for Washington, DC. http://www.askrayceen.altervista.org/
(left) Roz White & Rayceen (Right)
Roz is an alumnus of Duke Ellington School of the Arts and Howard University, and she has taught at the former since 2009. Roz is a member of D.I.V.A. Incorporated, The Society for Women in the Arts, founded in 1983 at Howard University. Since 2016, through her own organization, she has sponsored an annual scholarship/mentoring event for high school girls.
(Left) Rayceen & Jeff Salmore (Right)
Jeff has volunteered his time and talent not just for Rayceen and OutWrite, but he has done photo shoots for various performers, including my friend and frequent collaborator, Beverly “Miss Chocolate” White. Many of the photos which accompany my articles in this magazine are by Jeff. He is an excellent photographer and a great asset to the LGBTQ community.
(Left) Donald Burch & Rayceen (Right)
Donald is a retired clinical social worker who now volunteers for various organizations, including DC Black Pride, Capital Pride, Capital Trans Pride, and Rainbow History Project. Donald is also one of our most reliable members of Team Rayceen.
Dominique Morgan (Below)

Tiah Gina’ is an LA based artist from Memphis. She represents the soul of Memphis because she sings from her heart and ALWAYS acknowledges her Memphis roots. She is debuted her EP on July 30, 2019, titled Black Cotton. This EP is about her Memphis roots and growing up dark skinned with natural hair. Check out Facebook Tiah Gina’ and Instagram @thetiahg. https://www.thetiahg.com/
New Orleans Rapper/ Producer/ Musician Stu6
The Real Stu6
Tiffany Stewart is a rising star out of New Orleans. Tiffany is musically gifted on the trumpet, violin, and piano. Her musical journey began at the age of 8 while being a member of the choir. Her love for music led her to her passion for creative writing and poetry.
Make sure you click on the “Current Issue” tab on our website and check out the current issue. We are certain that you will find the Awakening Issue educational, empowering, and enriching.