Something is Happening in the world around us! I believe we are entering another Reformation Period. A period where life will begin to change as we now know it. There may not be bloody wars or a dramatic nailing of the “95 Theses” to the door of a German Church like Martin Luther did 500 years ago. But something is definitely happening! I see attempts to deconstruct institutions–i.e., The Church– that have benefitted from the pain and suffering of a vulnerable community. One can tell by the sheer number of nationwide protests on social and political fronts, such as #MeToo, #BlackLivesMatter, #TransLivesMatter, #FuckRKelly, (well maybe that one was just made up) but you get the drift.
The 2019 March-April Empowerment Issue is our contribution to this fight! To the LGBT clergy and laymembers who were rejected by the United Methodist Church, stay encourage. There are churches and individuals who stand with you. Search for inclusive ministry’s that welcome you just as you are. This rejection displayed by the United Methodist Church is not the work or will of God, but a deep distrubing display of man’s faulty belief system.
He soars like Marvel’s first black gay comedian hero in his new film “A Different Direction”. Sampson McCormick “gets it” when it comes to LGBTQ issues and uses his platform to raise awareness. Sampson is a nationally touring award-winning standup comedian, writer, and activist who has found his purpose through comedy. Sampson is ready for the world to know he’s here, he’s queer, and he can hold his own with the best of those in the entertainment industry.
Sampson McCormick is a Actor, Writer, Author, Comedian, and Activist
Deondre & Quintin
Would you date someone HIV+?
Deondre B. Moore shares exactly how he and his partner are thriving in an intimate partner relationship. As a black gay activist, Deondre is the face of numerous media campaigns promoting peer and community HIV education and prevention. ( make sure you read all about Deondre and his handsome love).
Monika M. Pickett
What if You had SuperPowers?
Author Monika M. Pickett never thought that she could become the person she is today. Her immense success is attributed to acquiescing her superpowers! Pickett explains how her will to believe no matter caused her to win! (Read more)
Dr. Davin D. Clemons, DMin
Living in Purpose & Possibilities!
When you become sick and tired of being sick and tired what do you do? Dr. Davin D. Clemons decided to do something about the challenges citizens in District 6 were repeatedly facing. As a former resident 38126, one of the poorest zip codes in the State of TN, Clemons knows first hand the the suffering of the residents due to the lack of effort from elected officals. In his article Clemons explains why his passion to seek the position of District 6 is larger than him. Read all about Clemonses campaign platform & make a donation to his campaign at
Life is about living and showing your highest version of yourself, and in this month’s issue we were intentional about creating space for individuals whose beliefs align with this one. Go ahead and check it out. I am sure you will not be disappointed! By the way, we love feedback. Reach out to us at and let’s connect on how we can better serve you.